Feed Delta Updates plugin for WordPress
Reduce the bandwidth cost of your WordPress news feeds (‘RSS’) using Feed Deltas. Only deliver what’s changed since the subscriber last pulled the feed.
Reduce the bandwidth cost of your WordPress news feeds (‘RSS’) using Feed Deltas. Only deliver what’s changed since the subscriber last pulled the feed.
How to automatically delete the IP address of commenters from your WordPress database. Get GDPR-ready by minimizing user data after its no longer useful.
Learn about the HTTP Vary response header and its important role in HTTP content negotiation and caching. Vary is an important but little-known part of HTTP.
The Recommended articles sections below articles are a mess. Incredibly simple steps could improve the recommendations.
Three of my favorite new city-builders and management games in 2016 are all available for Linux through Steam.
How to speed up compilation time with Icrecream/icecc by setting up distributed compilation using all PCs available to you.
more routing-robust and dual-stackMake your network-based file_get_contents() request more reliable by having it not give up so easily and try multiple network routes and protocols instead.
Google has completely abandoned its innovative Google Contributor program that was set to reinvent how the web is funded.
Microsoft insists on rebooting your PC every day. Active Hours control gives users up to eight hours a day without reboots. Is this enough?
Why can’t I play my Windows PC games cross-platform on the Xbox One?
Google seems to have abandoned its Google Contributor program: the subscription service where you could outbid awful ads across the web for a monthly subscription.
I tested multiple eSATA port-multipliers in Windows 10, but all of them refused to show more than one connected disk at a time. Windows eSATA drivers are subpar.