Structure WordPress’ upload directory to handle lots of files
Here is how to structure WordPress’ upload directory for scale. Sticking thousands of image files in one directory can cause performance problems.
Here is how to structure WordPress’ upload directory for scale. Sticking thousands of image files in one directory can cause performance problems.
Any HTTP Content-Security-Policy blocks the default <audio>/<video> controls in Safari unless you deliberately make it less secure.
PHP GD graphics library (libgd) causes bad artifact-patterns when downsizing images. Makes images bigger and quality lower.
Ctrl blog was inaccessible in Turkey for five days as the country inadvertently blocked the BunnyCDN content delivery network.
A Windows 10 security-enhancement feature blocks WebP image files from loading in the Microsoft Edge browser and other modern Windows apps.
InvizBox wants some of that sweet VPN subscription service revenue. Abandons Tor Onion network anonymity in favor of a more lucrative venture.
Fedora Linux removed VNC support when it moved to Wayland by default. A remote desktop replacement is still in the works; leaving Fedora Linux 29 users wanting.
How to sync your continuous heart rate monitoring data collected by the Xiaomi Mi Band 4 or 3 fitness tracker to the Google Fit app.
A misapplied DNS CAA record blocked Certbot from obtaining a Let’s Encrypt certificate for my domain name. Ouch. Have a fallback strategy!
I’ve so far paid hundreds of euros for City Skylines DLCs. I believe I’d prefer paying a small monthly subscription price to keep the game in development.
Firefox’s Reading Mode now prefers Dublin Core and Open Graph Protocol metadata when available over other metadata sources.
The Instapaper app for Android has several issues, but its mobile web app is mostly okay. I chose the latter even though link-saving is more difficult.