My MacBook Pro needed a battery replacement
The battery on my seven-year-old MacBook Pro 15″ had begun to swell and replacing it myself was way cheaper than via an authorized dealer.
The battery on my seven-year-old MacBook Pro 15″ had begun to swell and replacing it myself was way cheaper than via an authorized dealer.
zram-generator’s default configuration uses 50% of RAM or 8 GB. You may want to increasing these limits if you’re throttled by low memory or swap performance.
Super glue is heat-insulating and shouldn’t be used to attach an aluminum heatsink to thermal hotspots on your Raspberry Pi. Use thermal glue/pads instead.
An automated naming scheme intended to rid the security research field of “sensational names” predictably creates sensational, ambiguous, and suggestive names.
A configuration error made the TeamViewer RPM repository vulnerable to an attacker-in-the-middle substituting TeamViewer with its own GPG keys and software.
Twitter tried to reduce load times for external links, but made things slower instead. It mistakenly normalizes domains to a point where they’re no longer useful.
Your computer’s thermal compound (paste/grease) is slowly displaced by the “push-out” effect. It must be replaced periodically to maintain high performance.
Six percentage of each music files you’ve bought from Apple Music (iTunes Store) contain, literally, nothing. Why is Apple padding their music with zero-bytes?
The new Microsoft Edge doesn’t currently support Windows Timeline. Here’s an extension that reintegrates the browser with Windows Timeline/Task View.
Exploring whether deduplicating file systems or other deduplication alternatives can be used to reduce the storage cost of duplicated media content.
A daylight therapy lamp is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Here’s my review of the new Beurer TL20 that fits perfectly under a computer screen.
You can clone files on modern copy-on-write file systems in a way that doesn’t require extra storage space. But how do you tell a file, link, and clones apart?