Feed readers can be uniquely fingerprinted
Your list of news feed (‘RSS’) subscriptions is unique and it can be used to create a trackable and persistent device fingerprint.
Your list of news feed (‘RSS’) subscriptions is unique and it can be used to create a trackable and persistent device fingerprint.
A look at the new Google AdSense APIs for obtaining GDPR and ePrivacy consent with custom-built data-sharing consent-screens.
Firefox’s FPI system keeps websites from tracking your movements across websites. This gives excellent privacy protections but at a cost of web compatibility.
Here is what you can do to protect yourself against websites injecting tracking-code into the software installers you download.
Popular software vendors inject unique tracking identifiers when you download their installers to track you all the from the web and onto the desktop.
I found several privacy and security issues with the Vilfo VPN router during my week-long review.
Google reCAPTCHA has a near-monopoly on CAPTCHAs. Coinhive CAPTCHA wants people to spend a few seconds mining crypto-currencies instead of solving puzzles.
Web servers store access and error logs by default. These can be a liability as they may contain personal data as per the General Data Protection Regulation.
Improve your privacy by reducing how long Firefox retains cookies. Who needs to store them for decades? Firefox can cap it at a custom interval.
Firefox Focus browser, built on WebKit, for Android has been downloaded 1 million times in a month. Whatever happen to Mozilla’s commitment to GeckoView?
Browser extension mirrors popular JavaScript library content delivery networks locally to improve load-performance and your privacy.
Many bug tracking software leak information about your organization’s security problems through HTTP referrer headers.