TP-Link repeater firmware squanders 715 MB/month
A design flaw in TP-Link Wi-Fi repeater firmware causes it to waste an excessive amount of bandwidth on NTP timekeeping. DDoS’ed public NTP servers in the process.
A design flaw in TP-Link Wi-Fi repeater firmware causes it to waste an excessive amount of bandwidth on NTP timekeeping. DDoS’ed public NTP servers in the process.
trouble, continuedI made a mistake in transferring my domain names to a new domain registrar: Hover. Transferring them out again would prove inexplicably difficult.
Whether TP-Link provides you with security and firmware updates for your TP-Link product or not depends on what country you’re checking for updates from.
The TP-Link RE650 and RE500 are rated for different network speeds, but they’re really the same device featuring the same hardware; firmware-locked speeds.
Firefox for Android supports WebExtensions. However, debugging them during extension development can be complicated.
The latest Firefox update presents tons of distractions every time you open up a new browser tab. Is this the browsing experience we want?
The new cost-free service helps you keep on top of service maintenance by sending you an email notifications before your HTTPS certificates expire.
In some situations, a background network auto-configuration protocol can show as your Windows 10 device’s number one bandwidth hog.
Protect your WordPress install against brute-force password guessing with SSHGuard. SSHGuard parses your server logs and blocks repeat-offenders.
Here are the new features and services in SSH brute-force protection utility SSHGuard version 2.1 including subnet blocking and remote log parsing.
Flattr’s new extension lets people give automated micro-payments to creators and websites as they browse the web; funded by a single monthly subscription.
Compare three budget content delivery networks to find which one gets you the most bang for your bucks. Minimum pricing varies greatly.